1. a)Give
reasons why the bible is important to Christians today.
it strengthens the faith of Christians
helps in spreading the gospel to different people and
helps Christians to compose songs and hymns
helps Christians scholars and authors to write
Christian text books, pamphlets and magazines ( Christian literature)
helps preachers
to convert new people who were
non believers
helps Christians
understand the word of God deeply
and properly
helps Christian
to provide guidance and
counseling to fellow Christians who have
communication between God and Christians
to get comfort/consolation
b. how did God effect his
plans for the salvation of human
he searched for
Adam after sinning
clothed them with garments of skin/leaves
caring for the under privileged /needy
respecting and
practicing the rights /privileges of others
by preaching and
promoting peace and harmony
using their creative
talents i.e inventing
scientific and technological discoveries
by providing
work opportunities /training opportunities
in order to help people realize self fulfillment
c. How do
Christians continue being co – creators with God?
through procreation /having children
caring and conserving the environment
caring for the under privileged /needy
respecting and
practicing the rights/priviledges of others
by preaching and
promoting peace and harmony
using their
creative talents i.e
scientific and technological discoveries
by providing
work opportuinites / training
opportunities in order to
help realize self
2. a Describe the call of Abraham
God called Abraham in Haran after the death of his father ( Terah)
God asked Abraham to leave his country , relatives and go to a lace he would show him.
Abraham was 75 years.
God made a promise
to Abraham
§ Many
§ Great
§ Be
a source of blessings
§ His
name be famous /great
§ Curse
those who curse him
Abraham obeyed and set off with his wife Sarai, nephew Lot, servants;
wealth and flock he had acquired in Haran
In Canaan God
appeared to him and showed him the land
he was going to give his
Abraham built
two altars for the Lord at bethel and shechem where he worshiped God.
Then he moved on from place to place, going
towards southern part of Canaan.
b) Explain the regulations that God gave Moses about the Passover
No foreigner was to take part in the celebrations
without getting circumcision together with his household
A bought slave
would eat the Passover meal
after getting circumcised
Temporary residents and hired workers were
not to eat the Passover meal
The blood of the
Passover lamb was to be spread on the door posts
No bones of the slaughtered animals were to be broken
The festival was
to be celebrated annually by all
The whole community
of Israel
must celebrate it
The meaning of
the Passover meal was to be passed on
from generation to generations.
c) what is the importance of Decalogue to Christians today ?
teachers that there is only one God
helps Christians to worship the true God and not idols
helps Christians to honour leisure time
helps Christians to respect life as God given
helps Christians
to respect other people property
helps Christians
to love their neighbours by not
being false witnesses
helps Christians
to be contented with what they have so
as they avoid coveting
helps Christians
to live a chaste life by avoiding sexual immorality.
3. a how did God care for the Israelites in the wilderness.
guided with a pillar of
fire at night and a pillar of
cloud during the day
Enabled them to
cross Red sea safety but drowned the Egyptians
Provided with
water/sweetened for them bitter water
Gave them food:
manna, quails
Protected them
from their enemies e.g Amalekites,
enable them to defeat them.
Entered into a
covenant with them
Provided them
with Ten commandments and mosaic laws to guide them
Healing those who were
bitten by snakes
He forgave them
after breaking the Sinai covenant
By providing their leaders e.g Moses, Aaron , priest
acted as intermediaries between
people and God.
b. Describe the breaking of the Sinai covenant
the Israelites were left with Aaron
when Moses went up Mt.
Sinai to meet
God i.e get 10 commandments
moses took along ; the Israelites began
to suspect that he had disowned
they prevailed
upon Aaron to make a god they could see i.e he
made golden calf
for them to worship.
Aaron used
jewelery they had taken out of Egypt
The worshipped the calf, sacrificed toit,
sang and danced before it.
Acted immorally before it.
They worshipped it claiming that it delivered them from Egypt
God was greatly
angered i.e sent Moses to go down
i.e see what the people had done
Moses pleaded
with God not to destroy them.
Moses went
down and was so annoyed
that he dropped the stone tablets
on which the commandments were written.
They had broken the covenant ( blasphemed)
Moses punished them by making them drink water mixed
with the idol’s ashes
Those who did not repent were killed i.e
the people from the tribe of Levi
became priests.
c. state six
factors that cause people to depart from God’s instruction
bad company
Weak in faith/human weakness
Ignorance of God’s ways
Threats from non
– believers
Greed and lust
for wealth
Greed for power
Lack of faith/trust in God
4. a. significance of the ark of covenant in Jerusalem
The ark symbolized king David; obedience to God
It was to ensure that
the presence of God was felt
by all the people of Israel
It made Jerusalem the
religious centre of Israel, hence God’s holy city.
It was a unifying factor to the people of Israel
It showed that
David was a servant of God
while the real king was Yahweh
The ark helped
David to maintain moral behaviour in Israel.
By bringing the
ark to Jerusalem
, David humbled himself before God despite being a king
David used the
ark to remain close
to God for proper guidance
and salvation of Israel.
b. failures of King saul which made God to reject
him as king of isreal.
He spared king
Agag of Amalekites i.e kept best
sheep and cattle of amalekites
He disobeyed
God’s command e.g between
Israelites war and the amalekites – failed
He assumed priestly duties and offered sacrifices when
Samuel delayed during
the war with philistines at
Spirit of the
lord left Saul and was replaced with an evil
spirit that tormented him
He was jeolous of David
for his success as a warrior. He
plotted to kill David
Saul committed
the sin of necromancy - consulted
a diviner/ medium after the
death of Samuel.
He exposed his soldiers
to hunger hence they ate meat with blood – was a sin before God
He committed
suicide during the battle
against the philistines .
suicide disgraced God’s
rule as a giver of life
He massacred the Gibeonites against the oath
given during the time of Joshua.
c. reasons why political leaders in Kenya have failed
to perform their duties effectively.
Ridicule from the members of the society
Inability to live up
to the expectations of the
Lack of training
in leadership skills leading to
poor public relations
Division and
conflicts wit the parties
Lack of adequate
forum to meet and address
their electorate
Insecurity , death threats and harassment from enemies
Different ideologies
resulting in divisive decisions
Personal differences
between the politicians
Several barriers
i.e differences based on culture , tribe , religion etc
Woman leaders
are discriminated against and looked
down upon.
5.a. categories of prophets in the O.T
- true prophets – acted on behalf of God
upheld new covenant
False prophets -
who claimed to speak in the name
of Yahweh
their message
never came to pass
Major prophets – their writings are elaborate , have
books in their names e.g Isaiah,
Jeremiah etc
Minor prophets – whose books contain brief
oracles eg Amos, Hosea, Micah , Joel etc
prophets - contain minor
i.e major prophets . their
oracle are recorded under their names
Prophetess -
women prophets
Cultic prophets
- prophets whoa re
associated with religious activities in shrines.
b. Symbolic
act of Jeremiah related to judgement
and punishment
Linen waist cloth -
Jeremiah was asked to hide in a cleft near Euphrates
. cloth got ruined and spoilt.
Jeremiah personal life – suffered loneliness
same way people of Judah would
suffer once God unleashed
punishment .
Jeremiah’s visit to the potters house . he found a potter
moulding clay into pots. The
defective pots, the potter
pressed some clay into a lump
and moulded another pot the same way
God would do so the people of Judah.
The earthen flask/ broken
clay flask. Jeremiah
broke the clay jar publicly and announced
that Yahweh would similarly
destroy Jerusalem and Judah.
The vision of two baskets of figs
good and bad figs - bad figs were
unfit for consumption.
Jeremiah warned them that God would
punish them like bad
figs ( horror)
The wooden ox –yoke
Jeremiah wore it
around his neck and walked
around publicly - it signified subjection
of Judah and other nations to Babylonian
Parable of wines and skins and jars
Empty jars represented
the people of Judah
. wine which would fill them was
the instrument of God which would
use to punish them for their
c. Relevance of Jeremiah
teachings to Christian today
Christian should preach the gospel of Christ
Christians should denounce evils in modern society e. g corruption , bribery
Christian should condemn modern
forms of idol worship/support monotheism
should be ready to suffer like
Jeremiah /face rejection/opposition
should ask sinners to repent in order
to get eternal life
should rely on Jeremiah’s
teaching todeal with dishonesty and
distinguish true from false prophets.
should know they are new covenant
community founded on faith.
should advocate universal human values
e.g responsibility , justice ,
obedience , respect for life etc
6. a Seven ways in which Africans venerated
ancestors were remembered through naming of children after them
various rituals to appease
the ancestors
libations to them in form of
beer, milk , honey etc
Invited during
ceremonies e.g rites of passage
mentioning their names during innovations
Maintaining the
graves of the dead ancestors /
respectful burials
offering and sacrificed to them.
Praying to God through them
Teaching children about them /their culture i.e religion
Building shrines for them
with them through diviners
Involving them
in community ‘s plan and
b. the role of rites of passage in inculcating youth,
with moral values in
T.A.S .
Initiation and marriage : - obedience as a
moral value was reinforced
Children taught to obey
parents /elders
Initiation and
marriage : respect as moral value was emphasized
Initiation i.e
marriage :- honesty, youth were taught
on importance of honesty in marriage
Self control was
stressed during preparation for
initiation and adolescents were educated
on need for self control
in sexual matters.
Mutual concern
and sharing were inculcated
during initiation rite
Chastity/ sexual
purity emphasised during
Responsibility :
- initiates were taught how to be
responsible future wives
and husbands.
Courage and
bravery: emphasized during initiation
to enable initiates face challenges in life
Hard work:
emphasized during marriage rite . hard work was necessary to enable
future wives , husbands
provide for their families.
Patriotism : was enhanced during initiation and marriage rites
stressed during rites like birth,
naming , initiation , marriage.
emphasized during initiation
emphasized during all rites
of passage. Every youth was trained
to thank parents i.e all members.
c. factors undermining
the wor of traditional specialists
modern science and technology has
come up with modern scientific drugs
- western education / formal
- Christianity
- urbanization
-Western culture /values
-Mass media
-New forms of government
affected role of elders
-Money economy
Paper 2 marking scheme
- a . how did Jesus fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah on the suffering servant
he bore the
sins of mankind /delivered mankind
from sins
Submissively accepted suffering
and disgrace
he was despised and rejected by the Jewish
religious leaders
he was pierced
and wounded on his side while on the cross
he was crucified
alongside tow thieves
he was buried in
a rich man’s tomb
he appeared
before the Sanhedrin and
Pilate for judgement
through him , God’s everlasting kingdom was established
God exalted
Jesus and made Him Lord
and judge.
b. rituals
that Jesus underwent to show he was a
was named
according to Jewish custom
presented to God
as required by law
Circumcision on the 8th day
Mary mother of
Jesus underwent purification ceremony
40 days after the birth of Jesus.
Jesus visited the temple at the age of 12 years during
Passover. Celebrated Passover ie last
attended sabath services / went
to synagogue
Kept jewish
religious observation e.g fasting
and praying
c. God delivers the oppressed
God is faithful
to his promises
Christians should thank God for what he has done
God humbles the proud and exalts the lowly
God is a source of blessing
God feeds the the hungry/provides
God saves/mighty/just
God is merciful / God is good
2. a. in wilderness
When he healed a
dump man, they demanded a sign
Was tempted to
arbitrate between two brothers
When the rich
young rulers called Jesus
a good teacher.
When his parents
wanted to see him he refused
When he was asked
whether it was right to pay taxes
to Caesar
During his arrest, he was tempted to escape
the cup of suffering
During the trial
he was asked whether he was
the messiah
During his
crucifixion , he was mocked and sat on.
On the cross , one
of the thieves wanted him to deliver them
He was questioned
by the Sadducees about the
b. teachings of
Jesus on true discipleship from the sermon on the plain
disciples should
have perseverance in the face of
have unwavering faith
in Jesus/ deep rooted faith
should love their enemies / appreciate them
be generous and share with those who do not have
be obedient to Christ’s
forgive others / merciful to others/ show compassion
avoid hypocrisy and show self righteousness
fair when
passing judgement to others / not judge others
bless those who curse them/pray for those who mistreat
not revenge against their enemies.
c. lessons learnt
from the healing of the centurion
The mission of
Jesus was universal i.e it
was for all who believed in him
Faith in Jesus Christ
is very important to Christians
Christians should
have great love and concern
for their servants
realize that God has power
to heal all forms of illnesses.
Christains should show compassion to the nedy
Leaders should
realize that positions
of leadership are for the service
to the community
should not discriminate against others. They should
bring all to the kingdom of God.
3. a. relate the
parable of the Pharisee and the tax
collector as recorded in Luk 18: 9 -14
Jesus told the
parable of the Pharisee who was of
his goodness
both the Pharisee and the tax collector went to the temple to pray
The pharisee stood
apart by himself and prayed – praised himself , not like other men , extortionists, unjust ,
adulterers like the tax collector.
The Pharisees despised the tax collector
He said that he fast twice a week , gives tithes
Tax collector
stood far off, he humbled himself
He beat his breast and asked God to be merciful to him since
he was a sinner
Jesus the disciples that the tax collector and not
the Pharisee was in the right relationship with God.
Jesus said; whoever
exalts himself will be humbled ie those who humble
themselves will be exalted.
b. Qualities of those who belong to the kingdom of God
they are humble
They are repentant
They seek forgiveness of their sin
They renounce
those things that hinder their relationship with God
They hear the word of God and put into practice
They are ready to do God’s will
They work hard and produce fruits that enable the kingdom of God to grow.
C. Six ways in which Christians prepare for the second
coming of Christ
praying and
fasting always
Living holy
lives/ avoiding sins / avoid
believing in Jesus Christ as saviour ad Lord
Participating in
the work of evangelism /preaching
God’s commandments
Repenting sins
whenever they go astray
Exercising virtues
like love, forgiveness etc
4. a. Role of the
holy spirit as taught by Jesus Christ.
will be the counselor to Christ followers
Will guide and
advise them on worldly
and spiritual matters
Will ensure that
the disciple speak
the truth
Will make Christ’s disciples to pass judgement to the
sinful world.
/remind the disciples of Christ’s
Enable disciples to perform and prophecy about God.
Enable the
disciple to know who Christ was/relationship with God
the father.
Reveal the sins
of the world /pronounce judgement
Reveal the glory
of Jesus as victory over evil
Enable disciples to discern /expose the secret of sinful
b. What did peter say about
Jesus during the day of Pentecost
Jesus was a
descendant of David
God had made Jesus both Lord and saviour
Jesus was from Nazareth
/ the great king promised to David
The death of Jesus led to the coming
of the holy spirit
God confirmed Jesus works, wonder and signs
Jesus rose from
the dead and he is seated
at the right hand of God
The death of Jesus was according to God’s plan (passion
i.e. death)
Jesus is the son of God/ Messiah
The disciples are the witnesses of Christ’s works and
Though the Jews killed Jesus, God raised Him.
c. ways in which Christians manifests the fruits of the Holy
Love greatest of all gifts i.e. fruit of
the Holy spirit
Enables Christian to show affection i.e. compassion
Joy: helps a Christian to be happy in Christ/share
their joy with others.
Peace: enables a Christian to live i.e. work in harmony
with others.
enables a Christian not to give up/get discouraged.
enables a Christian to be helpful/caring.
Generosity: helps Christian to share with others the
enables a Christians to trust in God.
Believe in God.
Gentleness: helps Christian to be calm/not violent,
moderate in all situations.
Self control: help Christians control emotions/actions/be
disciplined (be righteous s even under temptation)
Humility: helps Christian to be humble in all
Christians should live by the spirit through faith in
Christ i.e. is earn the fruits of the spirit.
5.a. symbols used to
refer to the unity of believers
in the New Testament
People of God
The body of Christ
The vine and the branches
The bride
The church/ Assembly of God
b. Explain how PAUL used the metaphor body of Christ to
describe the unity of believers
The church, the human
body ahs many members who function for the good of the whole church
The church has many members from different backgrounds , but baptized in one spirit
Every member of the church has a role
to play for the development of
the church
Different members
in the church have different gifts
which are used differently for the development of the church
All members of the same
church are equal because they serve
the same God.
Christians should achieve unity
by practicing humility and patience.
If one part of
the body suffers or if one Christian
suffers all others are affected
and should be concerned about each other.
Each function of
different members of the church
are equally valued by God
e.g ushers , pastors etc.
c. ways in which Christians work in unity
provision of
relief supplies in famine stricken areas
harambee contributions
inter- denominational
inter – church
marriages /burials
joint work of
bible society of Kenya
production of
CRE syllabus / curriculum
provision of training eg colleges raining clergy
jointly condemning
social evils and injustices
development of Christian programmes
in the media
participation in
constitution making
6.a. sources of Christian ethics
Bible/biblical scriptures
Natural law
The Christian community
Human reason and
Christian literature
Teachings of
Jesus Christ /faith in God
law/civil law
revelation / God’s messengers
Church rituals
Situation ethnics
b. Explain seven Christian
teachings on male/ female relationships
male/female were
created as equal human beings ; created in the image
and likeness of God
male/ female
created for companionship
/mutual help/ partners / complement
both are co creators
with God purpose with God’s purpose
of procreation
union between
both is consummated in marriage
relationship is based
on love and respect / chastity
man – husband is
the head of family . should love the
wife who in turn submits to him.
Each man to have
his own wife i.e each woman her own
husband to avoid immorality
Husbands and
wives not deny each
other conjugal rights
Youth should
abstain from sex until marriages
Their bodies are
temple of the holy spirit , belong to
Short period of
abstinence for married people butt with consent
of both
appreciate different roles of men i.e women in church
i.e family.
c. Briefly
describe the preparation of marriage in T.A.S
In marriage preparation , there were rules
i.e regulations to be followed
Initiation : initiates
were taught sex issues , marriage i.e family life
Choosing of marriage
partner , considered :- done
by parents or relatives . was communal
and parental participation in selection
of a marriage partner , considered good qualities.
Courtship / betrothal : - means friendship
i.e dating between a man and a woman who intended
to marry.
Courtship prepared for one marriage
Bride wealth in
form of cattle , goats , food
stuffs ( dowry was paid)
Marriage rituals were also performed as dowry was paid.
Final arrangements – wedding . Including how the bride joins her
husband. Varied from one society to another.
Now live together as married people.
Union was blessed by elders
i.e community members.
Sacrifices were offered to God ie. Ancestors to ask for
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