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Wednesday, 11 July 2012


  1. Two pre-historical sites in Kenya
-          Rusinga
-          Kanjera
-          Njora River caves
-          Hyrax
-          Fort Tenan
-          Kariandusi
-          Gambles caves
-          Koobi Foora
2.Remnants of the Southern Cushites in Kenya

-          Dahalle
-          Sanye
  1. Factors of trade unions during the colonial period
-          Only existed in areas where there was wage labour.
-          They were led by the educated elite.
-          Woeked closely with political parties
  1. Bantu communities whose ancestors settled in mount Elgon before migration to their present homeland.
5.Main social function of the council of Elders among the Somalia?
-To preside over religion rites and ceremonies
6.provisions of the independence constitution of Kenya
-It was federal/majimbo
-Provided for a Prime Minister as head of Government
-Provided for the Queen as the Head of State represented by the Governor General
-Provided multi-party system of Government
-Provided for the bill of Rights
-Provided for a bill parliament.
7 Terms of maasai agreement of 1911
-Maasai forced to move from laikipia to southern Ngong
8.Who were the abasuba?
-Descendants of refuges from Buganda who had settled un mfangano and Rusinga islands of lake Victoria by 1800 and assimilated some of the luo cultural practices.
9.Important landmark that showed portugese presence in Kenya
-Vasco da Gama pillar in malindi
-Fort Jesus in Mombasa
10Why Kenyan constitution promotes national unity
-Guarantees equal opportunities to all Kenyans.
-Provides for a unitary government
11Basic of classification of indigenous people in Kenya before 1939?-
12.Main features of the political movement in Kenya before 1939?
-they were tribal/ethnic based.
13.Main differences between parliamentary and presidential democracy.
-Parliamentary democracy is where citizens elect representatives to the prime Minister.
-Presidential democracy is where both the legislature and the president are elected directly by the people.
14.Indepence school associations that managed independent schools during the colonial period in Kenya.
-Kikuyu independent school Association K.I.S.A
-Kikuyu Kering’a Education Association K.K.E.A
15.Duty of the government chief Whip in Kenya ‘s parliament.
 -To rally members the parliament to pass government bills parliament
16.Fundamental principle of the concept of natural justice
- Parties in any case should here adequate notice and fair opportunities to be heard prior to determination of their case
- The person or body hearing the case should be disinterested or unbiased in the matter at hand.
17. a. What were the results of the settlement of the luo in Kenya during the pre-colonial period
i)                           Assimilation of some communities they found in the areas of settlement e.g. Abasuba
ii)                         Inter-marriage with her neighbors e.g. Abaluhya
iii)                       Neighboring communities lost some of their land to the incoming Luo
iv)                       Displacement of some communities e.g  Abagusii
v)                         Occupation of fertile land influenced the Luo  to adopt farming on a large scale.
vi)                       Cultural exchange between Luo and their Neighbours e.g. language and naming
(b)          Describe the social organization of the Luo during the pre-colonial period 10MKS
(i)                 The luo were organized into clns each with a common  ancestry.
(ii)               Marriage between members of the same clan was prohibited
-          They between in the existence of one God (Nyasaye)
-          They prayed to God through priests.
-          They venerated/worshiped ancestral spirits
-          They had scared places set aside for worship
-          They initiated their youth into adulthood
-          They celebrated important occasion e.g. harvest and marriage through drinking, eating, wresting and dancing
18. (a) Name five visitors to the East Africa before 1400 B.C
-          Greeks, Romans, Persians, Phoenicians, Chinese and Arabs
(b) What were the effects of the IndianOcean trade on East Africa   10 mks
- It lead to the development of Kiswahili
-  Led to emergence of a new culture, Swahili culture dressed in silk and cotton cloth; wore gold copper bracelets and bangles.
- The coastal people adopted muslim architecture, they stared building in stone
-Islam was introduced to the coastal people and in due cosuer spread to the interior.
- Commercial towns emerged along the coast e.g. Mombasa and Malindi
- It led to prosperity among the traders. There emerged a class of wealthy merchants along the coast.
Government of any costal city states were based on Muslim Law ( sharis)
-With the growth of the trade the need for some kind of currency arose. This led to use of cowrie shells as a form as a form of curreny
- New food crops were introduced to the coast e.g. rice and wheat
19.(a) Give reason why the British colonial government encouraged Europeans to settle in Kenya by 1939.                          3 mks
(i) The colonial government wanted to make Kenya a white man’s country.
(ii) The colonial government wanted to check Indian influence in Kenya by settling more whites.
(iii)             Cool climate on the Kenyan highlands was suitable for European settlement.
(iv)             The settlers were expected to produce raw materials for industries in Britain.
(v)               There was need to exploit the Kenyan highlands to meet the coast of administration and railway building            3 mks
(b)Explain six effects of the construction of the Kenya- Uganda railway 12mks
- Indians settled in Kenya and set up shops (dukawallas)
- Led to the opening up of the interior and made transport easier
-The completion led to growth of towns along the railway line
- African land was alienated for railways construction.
-It eased movement of troops and administration to the interiors of Kenya making administration easy
- A number of Africans found employment together with Indians and Europeans.
- Facilitated the spread of Christianity in Kenya .
-It stimulated economic development of Kenya through settlement of white sellers who practiced agriculture.
-It influence and shaped the pattern and development of roads.                12 mks
20. (a) State five methods which were used by African nationalist in Kenya during struggle for independence                                                                           5 mks
-Nationalist used the trade union to popularize the cause of the struggle among the workers
- They enlisted public sympathy through the press.
-Used violence against the colonial administration.
-They formed political parties to co-ordinate the nationalist activities.
- Nationalist attended constitutional conference to present their grievances.
-Africans in the legislature council put pressure on British to hasten decolonization 5mks
(b) Explain five factors which promoted the growth of   African nationalist activities in Kenya between1945 and 1963
(i)                 The war experience of the ex- servicemen made them more informed in world affairs. the also were frustrated after colonial filed to fulfill their promises they made to the soldiers
(ii)               Labour party government, which came to power in Britain in 1945 was more responsive to the demands.
(iii)             The constitutional changes which were initiated in Kenya by the labour government promotes nationalists activities e.g. Lyttletton constitution 0f 1954- created a multiracial council  of ministers.
(iv)             The United Natioanl Organization (U.N.O) recommended for self determination for the colonized communities AS A RIGHT. It also provided a forum for where owners were urged to liberate the colonized peoples
(v)               The example provided by indians and Ghana’s independence  in 1947and 1957 was  respectively ,showed Africans nationalist in Kenya that independence was achievable and made them determined in their struggle.
(vi)             The Mau Mau movement consolidated the nationalist struggle
(vii)           Lifting of bans on political parties in 1945, 1955 and 1960,by colonial government enabled the African nationalist to Coordinate the nationalist activities in Kenya
(viii)         The activities of the trade unions [promoted the growth of African nationalists especially the urban centres.

21. (a) Identify three categories of people whose person liberty is limited 3 mks
- Convicted criminals
- A suspected criminal
- A person of unsound mind
-A drug addict
- A vagrant
- A young person under 18to secure his education
- A person with an infectious disease
(b)  Discuss six factors that ensure successful and peaceful resolutions of conflicts 12mk
- Both parties must accept negotiated settlement i.e accept that there is an conflict
- Operation in an environment of all trust.
-Have a standing force for security for all involved in the conflict
- Look into the cause of conflict.
-The arbitrator must be accepted by al the conflicting parties.
- Both parties have to come to a position to accept the outcome of the resolution.  12 mks

22. (a) What were the main features of the independence constitution of Kenya   9 mks
- It provided for a federal government/ mjimbo/regionalism.
- The executive power lay with the British monarch who delegated to the Governor General.
- It spelt out that the party with the majority forms the government
-It provided for establishments of national assembly consisting the senate and the house of representative.
-It spelt out powers and responsibilities of the central government and regional governments and presidents
- P provided for the post of the prime minister to head the government and the governor general head of state.
-The National assembly was a bicameral in that it had two houses, the senate and House of Representatives
- The constitution provided for an elaborate protection of minority rights. These minorities include Europeans, Asians and some indigenous communities.
- It set up an independent electorate commission which was impartial
- Contained a detailed Bill Rights, fashioned on European convection of Human Rights
- Spelt out the necessary conditions fro acquisition pf citizenship   9 mks
(b) Explain how a Kenyan citizen can participate in the democratization process   6mks
 - Contesting for presidential, parliamentary and civil elections
- Debating on issue affecting the senate.
- attending and participating in community or civil meetings
- Paying taxes to the government
- Protecting against evil practices in the government.
- Participating in voting process                                                   6 mks
23. (a) What is the composition of the executive arm of the government in Kenya 3 mks
- The civic service
-The cabinet
- The president
 - The vice president                                                     3 mks
(b) Describe six functions of the civil service in Kenya                   12 mks
- Explain and interpret government policies to the people, prepares development plans and the budget.
- Implementation of government policies and programs, mobilizes citizens to initiate and participate in development project
-Ensures continuity in the government, whereas the government ministers change, civil servants do not change, they serve the new government in power keep and maintain government records necessary for continuity of government machinery.
- They collect government revenue and at the same time account for the government
Expenditure as the permanent secretary is the chief accounting officer in a ministry
-          Advice ministers on matters of policy, prpera answers to parliamentary questions that ae asked by members of rlaiment concerning different ministries
-          Offer direct serviced to the nation as doctors, lawyers, engineers teachers, accountants among other professionals
- Through provincial administration , civil servants link the local people with the  central government
  1. Give two meaning of the term government                 2 mks
- To exercise authority or to rule.
- It is a body that ensure maintenance of law and order as well as ensuring citizens   social and political liberty
2.         How does geology as a source of information an history and government help     historians                              1mk
3.         Name two distinct stages of evolution according to Charles Darwin           2 mks
- mutation natural selection
- Isolation: adaptation
4.         Give two places where the remains of Homo sapiens were found               2 mks
             - Eliye springs near Lake Turkana
- Kanjer’a  kanam in Kenya                                 
5.         Name two rulers of Mesopotamia remarkable during early agriculture.
- Sargon the Great
- Hammurable the law giver
6.         Give the source of historical information on the East African coast before the 7th centuary that point to the Persian domination of the Indian Ocean trade    2 mks
- Topography of cosmos
- Indico-pleatustus
7.         Name one education institutions which resulted from the trans-saharan trade in Western sudan.                                                                                           1 mk
- University of Timbuktu
8.         Name one remarkable mentioned by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 
- Telephone                                                                                                     1 mk
9.         Why did the United Nations impose economic sanctions on South Africa       1 mk
-  Adoption of the apartheid policy
10.       State the name of the river that served Johannesburg with fresh water in the 19th century                                                                                                           1 mk
-River Vaal
11.       What was the name given to the sub- counties in Buganda Kingdom in pre-colonial Africa                                                                                                                1 mk
- Gombolola
12.       State two functions of  the Omanhene among the Asante in the 19th centuray 2 mk
-Declared war on behalf of Asantehene
- Attended Odwira festival
- Imposed National levies/ fees
13.       Name two African enemies of Samoure Toure that cooperated with the French against him                                                                                                      2 mk
- Seku of Tukolor
-Tiebas of Sikasso
14.       State one type of nationalism in South Africa
- Afrikaner
-African nationalism
15.       State two new methods used in the First World War.
- Use of poison gas by German
-Aeroplanes were used for the first time to bomb camps in1915
- In 1916 the British began using tanks
16.       Name one country of study awarded commonwealth scholarships were supposed to undergo their studies
- Britain
- Canada
17.       State one main organ of the East African community (1967-1977)
- The East African Authority
- The East African Legislative Assembly
- The secretariat
- The common Market council
- The common Market Tribunal

18.       List any three oral tradition sources on history and government            3 mks
- Stories                                        myths
b)         What are the disadvantages of using archeology as source of information on history and government
- It is expensive to hire laborers to excavate and analyze the artifacts
It is sometimes difficult to locate a site
-          Where their is large scale excavation. it may lead to environmental destruction 
-          It is hard to k now to identity who the people were and  the language they spoke
-          It is difficult
            -           Avaailability of water for irrigation from r.Nile
            -           Good and able leaders
            -           The fertil;e silt from the Nile valley

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